All courses

Ancestral Lore and Nature Spirituality
Modern Druidry and the ancestral traditions of the British Isles, Ireland, and Brittany

Heart Wisdom
Exploring the Heart’s Role in Philosophy, Science, and Mysticism

How to enrich your waking life through your dreams

Birth: A New Story
Learn how our prebirth and birth experiences shape our world

Secret History of the Witches

Ecology of Love
Experience the newly revitalized Ecology of Love course, now enriched with immersive visual and textural elements for a truly holistic and embodied learning journey.

The Ecology of Death
Transform your relationship with ageing and death

When Women Were the Land
Unearthing European Myths & Histories

Sacred Sites
Unlocking Ancient Wisdom for Regenerative Futures

Returning Home to Our Bodies
Learn the GROW/L method

The Future of Consciousness
Exploring the Frontiers of Mind and Awareness

Wisdoms of Water
An Exploration of Mythology, Memory & Freedom

Queer Ecology
The Science Underground

Dionysus: Rave, Ritual and Revolution
Visions of an ancient future

Contemporary Spirituality
Meaning and Mysticism in the Modern Age

Re/membering Our Rooted Selves
Unearthing ancestral ways of being to shift collective futures

Becoming Citizens of a Biological Multiverse

Tree of Life
Understanding our Co-Evolution with Trees and Forests

Joy and The Body
A joy filled and body centered journey

Holistic Knowledge
A black feminist course for everyone

Sensing Harm by Design
Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures

The Digital Age
Explore technologies as globalising forces.

Re-storying Masculinity
How can we reroute and reroot masculinity into a paradigm of serving and regenerating life?

Kinship: Islands
Community, relationality and belonging in a world of islands

Zach Bush: Human Nature
Because we are nature. Nature is us.

Rewilding Mythology
Reroot, rewild, retell

Reimagining Women & Power
Reclaiming & reimagining power in the world today

Kinship: Being Together
An exploration into being together

Guardians of the River
A transformative course on water guardianship

Embodiment & Somatics

The Wild Feminine
Explore the voice of the feminine in its diverse forms and expressions

The Rupert Sheldrake Course
Explore the big questions in science

Guardians of the Forest
Become a forest guardian and learn from teachers and leaders from over 30 nations

A Journey Home
A transdisciplinary journey with leading hearts and minds of our time