Tree of Life

Tree of Life

Understanding our Co-Evolution with Trees and Forests

How can understanding our co-evolution with trees, and forests be key to our human blueprint, our survival, and our thriving amidst and alongside the biodiversity that exists? In this course, we will be exploring this question from a mythological, cosmological and ecological framework. You will learn to honour your sacred connection to the trees, and step into your sacred role as tenders and guardians of the forest, from wherever you are.

This course is curated by Imaginal.


Imaginal is a community inspiring evolution through connection, self-regulation and imagination. They believe in the power of imaginal consciousness, just like the imaginal cells within a caterpillar that holds the vision and the blue print of a butterfly. They hold the vision and imagination of a world where we remember that we are part of this earth, that there is no separation between the soil and our bodies, the rivers within and without, the trees and our lungs. When we see the world in this way, everything changes. Scroll down to find out more about the course.

Course modules

The Givers of Life

As our very breath of life is connected to the vast and diverse community of the trees, we offer this course to honour the Trees as Life Givers. In our introductory class, we will introduce the course framework of mythology, cosmology and ecology, and how these three are intertwined in envisioning trees as...

Communing with the Kin-dom of the Earth

In this second class, our cosmological teaching pertains to the Kin-dom: the entire earthly plane of existence. We will attune to how the cosmos—the realm of the Divine—is expressed in this terrestrial environment: the idea of “Heaven on Earth.” By opening our perceptions and recognising the intelligence o...

Communing with the Intelligence of Water

Our cosmological teaching for this class attunes us to the depth of our channel, the birthing canal of consciousness. We will engage aspects of the mystical teachings of water, which we came from, are made of, and return to. The mythological teaching will focus on the mythology of the cedar tree, sacred to...

Tending to the Interdependent forms of Communication

Our cosmological teaching for this class pertains to guardianship and adoration. Through attuning to the technologies of Sacred Trees and how they are the guardians of the Earth, we open our individual consciousness into the collective awareness of communion and adoration for the community and unifying tea...

The Heart of the Tree

Our cosmological teaching for this class is focused on strengthening ourselves as pillars connected to what is below and above simultaneously, through and centred in our hearts. We explore the heart of the Tree of Life that is the mediating intelligence between all realms. We explore the trees as pillars c...

Attuning to a Sacred Agreement

Our cosmological teaching for this class pertains to the balancing of two aspects of the self and two sides of—standing strong versus humbling ourselves to the majesty of creation. We turn to our warrior-leader nature to help us become stewards of the forest and trees, in service of the healing of the fore...

The Great Mother that is the Tree

Our cosmological teaching for this class focuses on the archetype of the the Mother, as many communities attune to specific trees as Mother Trees. In this way, we build a relationship and understanding with the interdependent nature of the ecosystem. The mythological teaching will focus on the African bao...

Eternal Communion

Our cosmological teaching for this class pertains to the Great Mystery of Life. We will dive into the code “as above so below” to observe how the entire cosmos is reflected in the entire embodiment of the tree; the interdependent nature of these realms tells us about our human selves and our relations with...

Course information

About the course

In the mythologies of most ancient cultures from around the world, a Sacred Tree sits at the centre of the Earth. Could understanding our co-evolution with trees, and forests, then be key to our human blueprint, to our survival, and to our thriving amidst and alongside the biodiversity that exists? Exploring this question from a mythological, cosmological and ecological framework, the Tree of Life is an eight-week online course curated by Imaginal: Isis Indriya, Nathalie Kelley, and Timo Granzotti. Honour your sacred connection to the trees, and step into your sacred role as tenders and guardians of the forest, from wherever you are.

Tree of Life is an eight-week offering dreamed up and put together by a diverse trio of teachers from varying backgrounds and life experiences: Isis Indriya, Nathalie Kelley, and Timo Granzotti. At the heart of this course is an aim to restore our (human’s) sacred connection to the trees, and invite participants to come into our sacred role as Tenders and Guardians of the forest once more, whether or not one is of Indigenous descent. Humans are all indigenous to this Earth, and it is our calling to find our way back to the standing ones.

Threading the connections between Indigenous cultures, their relationship to trees, and many ancient and contemporary cultures from around the world who have cosmologies, mythologies and stories around sacred trees, and the rich, omnipresent symbol of the tree of life, this course will help you realise this—the universality of the human/nature connection.

The course aims to awaken something that is deeply rooted within all of us: that we are irrevocably bonded to the trees. Come to spark curiosity, inquiry, reverence for and enchantment with and for forests, through the ecological teachings of the course. How can learning about the interdependent workings of the forest, the ecosystems that trees are part of, not stir inspiration in our hearts to be warriors and guardians in this time? Let us chart a path for civilisation and humanity together, with the blueprints of creation given to us, towards regeneration restoration and re-enchantment with the forests, like many cultures ancient and living. Let us listen, together, to the majestic trees as life givers, receive, and act.

The cosmological teachings in the course reflect archetypal cosmological approaches. Through various archetypes explored each week, supported by the respective mythological and ecological teaching, we will be inspired by the trees to move through the terrestrial realm as a reflection of the heavenly realm. "As Within So Without, That Which is Above is that Which is Below." We will engage in how to commune with a Sacred Way of Life by way of the teachings of Trees, Sacred World Trees, and the Cosmological stories of creation principles. These are the teachings from Trees of Life across cultures and communities world over. Mythologies explored in the course involve Tree of Life myths from around the world, through which we glean the wisdom, lessons and warnings from each of these, recognising where they have shaped different cultures and our relationship to the trees around us. Finally, we will dive into a sound ecological frameworks for the ecological portion of the course, covering basic concepts like the mycelium network or “Wood Wide Web,” the role of pheromones in tree communication and the role of the hydrological cycle in temperate and tropical rainforests.

The course will also additionally explore the different relationships that various cultures around the world have had with their forests. Contrasting the ways in which some have tended to and built forests (using examples such as Terra Preta, Agroforestry and the Milpa system) with cultures and civilisations that have destroyed these ecosystems, we will explore how humanity can course-correct at this present time in history.

Overall, the aim of this course is to share advocacy and inspiration on behalf of and with the trees. To bring about examples of myths, ecology and cosmology to spark curiosity and inquiry. To unite and reignite as sacred guardians for the trees, as we always have been, and to show solutions for extractivism and ecological destruction in these times—solutions that have been grounded in cultures and community world over, which can be traced back to ancient stories passed down generations.

This course starts live 17 October, Tuesdays weekly from 7–9pm UK.

advaya courses are recorded. Within 48 hours of the live session the recording is edited and uploaded to the course area to become part of the self-paced library. advaya removes participant faces and voices from video and audio files to ensure anonymity and to create a safe space for live reflections.

We aim to make our courses accessible to all, so if you cannot afford the course, we have a limited number of bursaries. Bursary applications close 2 weeks before the course begins, please ensure you have sent your application in by then. Apply for the bursary here.

Course Includes

8 Modules
4 Teachers
Curated readings, resources, rituals and embodied practices
Community discussion area
Video and audio available


Isis Indriya Picture

Born in Mesa, Arizona, Indigenous to and raised on the island of Guam, Isis Indriya dedicates her life in service to prayer, education, and community activism.

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Nathalie Kelley Picture

Nathalie Kelley is an actress of Indigenous Quechua descent.

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Timo Granzotti Picture

Timo Granzotti is a multifaceted specialist who bridges ecology, art and craft.

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Nina Gualinga Picture

Nina Gualinga is an Indigenous woman defender of the Amazon from the Kichwa community of Sarayaku.

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Key learning outcomes

  • Open the door to communing with a Sacred Way of Life by way of the teachings of Trees, becoming a student of the Sacred World Trees
  • Expand their mythological repertoire to include at least seven Tree of Life myths from around the world
  • Gain insight into the workings of forests as whole and interconnected ecosystems
  • Develop a historical understanding of different past human relationships with forests, and how the nature of those relationships can cause either civilisational collapse or increased abundance
  • Deepen in awareness and gratitude for the life giving nature of trees, learning to be in right relationship with them and each other
  • Learn to reclaim our rightful human nature as peoples, stewards and guardians of the forest

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