Imaginal is a community inspiring evolution through connection, self-regulation and imagination. They believe in the power of imaginal consciousness, just like the imaginal cells within a caterpillar that holds the vision and the blue print of a butterfly. They hold the vision and imagination of a world where we remember that we are part of this earth, that there is no separation between the soil and our bodies, the rivers within and without, the trees and our lungs. When we see the world in this way, everything changes. Scroll down to find out more about the course.
Course modules
The Givers of Life
As our very breath of life is connected to the vast and diverse community of the trees, we offer this course to honour the Trees as Life Givers. In our introductory class, we will introduce the course framework of mythology, cosmology and ecology, and how these three are intertwined in envisioning trees as...
Communing with the Kin-dom of the Earth
In this second class, our cosmological teaching pertains to the Kin-dom: the entire earthly plane of existence. We will attune to how the cosmos—the realm of the Divine—is expressed in this terrestrial environment: the idea of “Heaven on Earth.” By opening our perceptions and recognising the intelligence o...
Communing with the Intelligence of Water
Our cosmological teaching for this class attunes us to the depth of our channel, the birthing canal of consciousness. We will engage aspects of the mystical teachings of water, which we came from, are made of, and return to. The mythological teaching will focus on the mythology of the cedar tree, sacred to...
Tending to the Interdependent forms of Communication
Our cosmological teaching for this class pertains to guardianship and adoration. Through attuning to the technologies of Sacred Trees and how they are the guardians of the Earth, we open our individual consciousness into the collective awareness of communion and adoration for the community and unifying tea...
The Heart of the Tree
Our cosmological teaching for this class is focused on strengthening ourselves as pillars connected to what is below and above simultaneously, through and centred in our hearts. We explore the heart of the Tree of Life that is the mediating intelligence between all realms. We explore the trees as pillars c...
Attuning to a Sacred Agreement
Our cosmological teaching for this class pertains to the balancing of two aspects of the self and two sides of—standing strong versus humbling ourselves to the majesty of creation. We turn to our warrior-leader nature to help us become stewards of the forest and trees, in service of the healing of the fore...
The Great Mother that is the Tree
Our cosmological teaching for this class focuses on the archetype of the the Mother, as many communities attune to specific trees as Mother Trees. In this way, we build a relationship and understanding with the interdependent nature of the ecosystem. The mythological teaching will focus on the African bao...
Eternal Communion
Our cosmological teaching for this class pertains to the Great Mystery of Life. We will dive into the code “as above so below” to observe how the entire cosmos is reflected in the entire embodiment of the tree; the interdependent nature of these realms tells us about our human selves and our relations with...