
Webinar: A New Love Narrative

Webinar: A New Love Narrative

Webinar: Age on Your Own Terms

Webinar: Cultivating a Dream Practice

Webinar: Birth and Belonging

Webinar: Ancient Motherlines

Webinar: Rituals of Sacred Sites

Webinar: Secret History of the Witches

Webinar: Thriving in Times of Change

Webinar: The Psychic, Paranormal, and Supernatural: Exploring the Edges of Consciousness

Webinar: Fairytales of the Feminine

Webinar: Sacred Sites, the importance of ancient wisdom in regenerative futures

Webinar: When Women Were the Land
One Cut Away from Leaking, Veda Austin

Webinar: Reclaiming Water Guardianship with Charlotte Pulver

The Rebel Element: Lessons on Liberation From Water

The Science Underground: Webinar with Dr. Patricia Kaishian & So Sinopoulos-Lloyd

Spring Equinox Special: Plant Medicine

Rethinking Consciousness: Setting Science Free

Dionysus: Echoes of an Ancient Future

Living beings are constantly queering identities

Augury as disruption to the attention economy

Hospicing nightingales: human-bird collaboration in the Anthropocene

Fungi are the firmament of life on Earth

The Bacchanalia Affair: the beginning of the end of an era

Fermentation and its link to the dawn of life on Earth

The emergence of domestication in human history and its implications

Wielding power outside the colonial paradigm: Oyalogy and Exousiance

Colonialism’s parasitic relationship with spirituality with Gabes Torres

Why people seek spirituality with John Vervaeke

Wayfinding out of modernity’s haze with Yin Paradies

Dark Green Gods: on hyperobjects, animism and the greening of religion

Heart, Hearth and Earth: on Ecofeminism with P. Mary Viya Porselvi

Courageous vs safe conversations: holding tension with Lana Jelenjev

We rise as living suns: learning from Bakongo philosophy with Aza Njeri

Storytelling our way home: weaving threads & illuminating patterns

Our meaning crisis and the new gods of modernity

Queer ecology and collective liberation: the science underground

Unmasking Dionysus: history, culture and legacy

Aesthetics in nature (an autopoietic Gaia)

The symbiosis of humans and plants

Modern medicine came from nature

Baobab, the Great Mother Tree

Cultivating response-ability amidst the trouble