The Wild Feminine

The Wild Feminine

Explore the voice of the feminine in its diverse forms and expressions

The voice of the feminine in its diverse forms and expressions is rising and being heard again.

Hosted by advaya


Course modules

What is the Feminine Principle and How is It a Vision for a Better Future?

In this module, we hear from Jungian analyst and renowned author, Anne Baring. Anne gives a historical overview of the causes of the loss of woman's voice, beginning with what she has called the Lunar Era. We are also joined by Liz Childs Kelly, a writer and researcher of the Sacred Feminine, which she cal...

The Suppression of the Feminine Through History

This module, we delve further with feminist historian Max Dashu into the legacies of the female Divine that were ripped away from us in patriarchal history, and how that was accomplished. Lyla June Johnston, an Indigenous public speaker talks about 'The Method, Importance and Effect of Ending "Rape Culture...

Feminine Mythology: Archetypes, Goddesses and Queens

Archetypes have the ability to connect us to our inner power and help us strengthen who we really are. In this module, we are joined by Jean Shinoda Bolen, a psychiatrist, Jungian analyst, and author, as well as Nwando Achebe, a Nigerian-American academic, feminist scholar, and multi-award-winning historian.

A Balance Between the Masculine & Feminine

In this module, we hear from Pat McCabe (Woman Stands Shining), feminine/masculine integration expert Sarah Poet on ‘Loving the Masculine: the Sacred Feminine Heart’, and Dr Elizabeth Kerekere of Māori descent who is a New Zealand politician, LGBTQ+ activist and scholar.

Embracing the Body

Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer, co-founders of Red School and authors of Wild Power, explore how your menstrual cycle is your ultimate guide to belonging, connection and trust. We hear from physical therapist, Tami Lynn Kent, who helps women move on from shame and trauma to activate the energy in...

The Feminine Power to Create and Nurture

In this module, Fiona Shaw, a midwife and doula, speaks about her work alongside women in the birthing process, enabling them to be more present and connected. Leilani Birely, a Hawaiian Priestess and ceremonialist shares her own journey into the sacred feminine started with the birth of her daughter. Amis...

Finding Your Voice as a Feminine Leader

What does it mean to lead from the feminine principle? How do we do that in a world that is still not quite transformed from the old system of patriarchy? Writer, psychotherapist and political entrepreneur, Indra Adnan discusses ‘The Feminisation of Politics’. The public sphere was designed by men, but tra...

Honouring the Ancestors

In this module, we hear from Carmen Vicente (Carmita), a revered Medicine Woman who has been sharing Indigenous Wisdom Traditions around the globe. Author and poet, Angharad Wynne, also shares how she uses stories as the starting point for deep inquiry and a source of timeless wisdom and healing.

Connecting With the Land

We are joined by award-winning writer Sharon Blackie. She introduces the wild and powerful women who were fierce guardians and protectors of the land, and the ways in which they inspire us today. Explore power through a feminist paradigm that connects patterns of nature with patterns of personal and social...

Connecting Through Faith

We are joined by the first woman to be ordained into Tibetan Buddhism, Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, who left Bethnal Green in London at 18 and took a vow to obtain enlightenment in female form. We also hear from Yeye Luisah Teish, an Iyanifa and Oshun Chief in the Yoruba tradition and one of the best-known Yorun...

Connecting Through Practice⁠⁠

Hear from the author, Susun Weed, who speaks about ‘The Three Traditions of Healing’. Suhaly Bautista-Carolina, an educator, herbalist, founder of the Moon Mother Apothecary, explores the idea of change, evolution, and mirroring our needs to meet us where we are at any given point in our lives.

Connecting Through Ritual & Ceremony

For the final module, we are joined by Chiara Baldini, a researcher and curator from Italy. Chiara introduces questions such as who were we when we were indigenous to the lands? What were our rituals? Which were the practices that allowed us to be in constant dialogue with nature? We are also joined by C...

Course information

About the course

After centuries of suppression, the voice of the feminine in its diverse forms and expressions is demanding to be heard again.

This shift in consciousness from the dominant masculine to a balance between the two energies, as well as beyond that binary, has long been predicted as part of the solution to the chaos our planet currently faces.

Such a transformation will beckon a new paradigm where dominance over the natural world is replaced by a recognition of the connection of all living things, while at the same time recognising the importance of such qualities as instinct, trust, nurture, creativity, and other forms of power left out of wider cultural conversations.

Over the course, hear from prominent authors and activists; amongst them inspirational matriarchs, Anne Baring and Jean Shinoda Bolen, indigenous leaders Elizabeth Kerekere and Carmen Vicente, prominent healers, Yeye Luisah Teish and Susun Weed, and well-known workshop practitioners, Jewels Wingfield and Chloe Goodchild, among many other incredible speakers and teachers.

Each module, a new speaker introduces us to a different aspect of the feminine and take us on a journey to hear more about the violent history that kept women silent for centuries, from the brutal takeover of Christianity to the horror of the witch-trials, to female infanticide and FGM, and finally to the violence that continues against both women and the feminine spirit today. We inquire into contemporary issues around the feminine, in particular the 'wild feminine' and what we might mean when we say ‘the feminine’ in the context of gender liberation.

Why the wild feminine?

The Wild Feminine is an archetypal aspect of ‘the feminine’, popularised by the psychologist, author, and curandera, Clarissa Pinkola Estés in her bestselling book ‘The Women Who Run with the Wolves’ in 1989.

This archetype is present throughout a diversity of cultures and traditions, and speaks to particular aspects of the feminine psyche and experience that have often been called ‘sacred’, ‘divine’ and/or ‘wild’. The word ‘wild’ has been problematic when used to describe women, and the feminine spirit in general, both in the past and present. We understand ‘wild’ to mean free of patriarchal oppression, embodied, expressed, and present, and possessing the absolute freedom to be in a world that often demands the opposite. It is a reclaiming of the inherent nature of the feminine principle.

This course is, in part, a collective inquiry into this multitude of meanings. We also recognise the limitations of gender binaries, and at the same time seek to include notions of the feminine spirit in our wider conversations around gender liberation. Our conviction is that each and every one of us has the capacity to embody the feminine, masculine, and everything between and beyond that binary. Through this course, we hope to create space so that the feminine in all its forms can be expressed, contemplated, and inquired into with genuine curiosity and good faith.

Course Includes

12 Modules
60 Sessions
30 Speakers
Curated readings, resources and embodied practices
Community discussion area
Video and audio available


Anne Baring Picture

Anne Baring is a Jungian Analyst, author and co-author of seven books including The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image. The ground of her work is an interest in the spiritual traditions of different cultures and the psychological causes of human suffering.

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Liz Childs Kelly Picture

Liz Childs Kelly is a Sacred Feminine researcher and educator.

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Lyla June Johnston Picture

Lyla June is an Indigenous environmental scientist, doctoral student, educator, community organizer and musician of Diné (Navajo), Tsétsêhéstâhese (Cheyenne) and European lineages from Taos, NM.

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Lina Abirafeh Picture

Lina Abirafeh is a global women’s rights expert with decades of experience worldwide.

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Max Dashu Picture

Max Dashu founded the Suppressed Histories Archives in 1970 to research and document women's history from the most ancient times to the present, globally.

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Jean Shinoda Bolen Picture

Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. is a psychiatrist, Jungian analyst, and author.

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Nwando Achebe  Picture

Nwando Achebe is a Nigerian-American academic & feminist scholar.

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Dr Elizabeth Anne Kerekere Picture

Dr Elizabeth Anne Kerekere is a New Zealand politician and LGBTQ+ activist and scholar. Of Māori descent, she affiliates to Te Whānau a Kai, Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki, Rongowhakaata, Ngāi Tāmanuhiri, and Ngāti Oneone. She is the founder / chair of Tīwhanawhana Trust.

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Sarah Poet Picture

Sarah Poet is a former school creator turned feminine/masculine integration expert.

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Pat McCabe Picture

Pat McCabe (Weyakpa Najin Win, Woman Stands Shining) is a Diné (Navajo) mother, grandmother, activist, artist, writer, ceremonial leader, and international speaker.

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Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer Picture

Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer have developed a radical new approach to women’s health and wellbeing, creativity, leadership and spiritual life, based on the power of the menstrual cycle.

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Tami Lynn Kent Picture

Tami Lynn Kent is a holistic women’s healthcare provider.

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Sister Euphrasia (Efu) Nyaki Picture

Sister Euphrasia (Efu) Nyaki is a psychotherapist offering alternative forms of preventative health care and holistic healing to adult and adolescent women and their impoverished communities in northern Brazil.

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Leilani Birely Picture

Leilani Birely is a Native Hawaiian Kahuna.

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Fiona Shaw Picture

Fiona Shaw is initiated as a Medicine woman in the Red Path tradition.

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Amisha Ghadiali Picture

Amisha Ghadiali is a facilitator and co-creator of the globally acclaimed podcast ‘The Future Is Beautiful’. She is interested in where our inner and outer worlds dance. She is the author of ‘Intuition: Access your inner wisdom, Trust your instincts, Find your Path’, and has birthed many creative projects into this world including her sustainable jewellery label.

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Jewels Wingfield Picture

Jewels is the founder and director of Living Love and the creator of the EarthHeart vision in the Forest of Dean.

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Indra Adnan Picture

For over twenty years, Indra Adnan has been writing, consulting, network-building and event-organising on the themes of future politics, conflict transformation, the role of the arts and integral thinking.

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Carmen Vicente Picture

Carmen Vicente (Carmita) is a revered Medicine Woman who has been sharing indigenous wisdom traditions around the globe for over 30 years. Born in 1956 in the Province of Loja, Ecuador, she is heir to a traditional spiritual lineage.

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Angharad Wynne Picture

A published author and poet, Angharad is also a storyteller who uses story as the starting point for deep enquiry and a source of timeless wisdom and healing.

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Dr Sharon Blackie Picture

Dr Sharon Blackie is an award-winning writer of fiction and nonfiction, a psychologist who has specialised both in neuroscience and narrative, and a mythologist with a specialisation in Celtic Studies. Her unique approach to working with myth, fairy tales and folklore highlights the insights these traditions can offer us into authentic and meaningful ways of being which are founded on a deep sense of belonging to place, a rootedness in the land we inhabit. In early 2017 she founded The Hedge School: both an online space and a physical location in Connemara, for teachings in myth, wild mind and enchantment.

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Minna Salami Picture

Minna Salami is a Nigerian, Finnish, and Swedish feminist author and social critic currently at The New Institute. Her research focuses on Black feminist theory, contemporary African thought, and the politics of knowledge production

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Yeye Luisah Teish Picture

Yeye Luisah Teish is a teacher and an author.

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Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo Picture

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo is a Tibetan Buddhist Nun.

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Susun Weed Picture

Susun Weed is the voice of the Wise Woman tradition, where healing is nourishing.

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Suhaly Bautista-Carolina Picture

Suhaly Bautista-Carolina, is an organiser, educator, herbalist, and visual artist.

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Chiara Baldini Picture

Chiara Baldini is a raver, researcher and freelance curator from Florence, Italy. She investigates the evolution of the ecstatic cult in the West, particularly in Minoan Crete, ancient Greece and Rome, contributing to anthologies, psychedelic conferences and festivals.

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Chloë Goodchild Picture

Chloë is the founder of The Naked Voice, a pioneering experiential vocal training programme, providing a sound awareness toolkit of conscious core practices, music, audio-books and spoken meditations that empower you to find and to embody your authentic voice.

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Learning outcomes

  • Historical overview of the causes of the loss of woman's voice
  • Frameworks for understanding the "Sacred Feminine"
  • Knowledge of ancient female icons and myths
  • Understanding of the relationship to the "Sacred Masculine"
  • Framework for healing