Max Dashu

Max Dashu founded the Suppressed Histories Archives in 1970 to research and document women's history from the most ancient times to the present, globally.

Max Dashu

Max Dashu founded the Suppressed Histories Archives in 1970 to research and document women's history from the most ancient times to the present, globally. She teaches with images from the cultural record, and is internationally known for her expertise on iconography, matricultures and female spheres of power; medicine women, witches, and the witch hunts; and how patriarchy, conquest, and systems of domination develop and intertwine. Her books include Witches and Pagans: Women in European Folk Culture, 700-1100 and Women in Greek Mythography: Pythias, Melissae and Titanides ( Her newest book, digital open access, looks at church-state authoritarianism and religious persecution. She has produced two dvds: Woman Shaman: The Ancients, and Women's Power in Global Perspective. See open access videos on Max Dashu youtube channel; more videos are stream-on-demand via the Suppressed Histories Portal on Teachable. Other events are on . Max blogs daily on her Suppressed Histories page on Facebook, which is followed by 255,000 people internationally.

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