Turn Inward with Advaya

Turn Inward with Advaya

Seasons of change, Cycles of growth

As the world moves through cycles of light and shadow, growth and stillness, so do we—explore diverse pathways to rest and renewal with experts in practices of yoga, breathwork, dreaming, and storytelling.

Curated by advaya

Event modules

Indigenous Solstice Wisdom

With Rutendo Ngara

Myth Reading

With Sylvia Linsteadt

Dream Yoga

With Marieke McKenna

Somatic Practice

With Eby Chimba

Let it Go Breathwork

With Octavia Cathorpe

Honouring our Centre

With Abigail Rose Clarke

Yoga Nidra

With Uma Dinsmore

Slow Growth Trees

With Tamara Colchester

Sensorial Practice for New Beginnings

With Virginia Vigliar

Sound Bath


Event information

Turn Inward by Advaya is an invitation to pause, reflect, and return to the heart of who we are. Designed to honour the land, our ancestors, and the quiet yet profound transitions that shape us—this program creates space for deep restoration and inner transformation. In a culture where we are taught that fast is better, slowing down is a revolutionary practice. By turning inward and attuning to the rhythms of nature, we honour not only the changing seasons but also the need for rest that dwells within us. This is a time to ease into periods of change with intention and grace.

Through practices like Yoga Nidra, Dream Yoga, myth reading, somatic exercises, and breathwork, Turning Inward with Advaya offers tools to nurture your body, mind, and spirit. These practices guide you toward deeper connection—with yourself, with the earth, and with the unseen threads of ancestry and community that hold us all. Together, we will explore how rest can be an act of renewal, how stillness can help us navigate transition, and how honoring the cycles of life fosters resilience and wholeness.

This is more than a program; it is a sanctuary—a place to come home to yourself, to honor the beauty of rest, and to root your being in the wisdom of the seasons. Join us in this sacred pause, and discover the profound power of slowing down.

A programme which is designed for people to turn inward, honouring land, ancestors, change, and rest.

Course Includes

10 multi-teacher practices
mp4 downloadable
transcription available


Rutendo Ngara Picture

Rutendo Ngara is a leading African Indigenous Knowledge Systems practitioner and transdisciplinary researcher from South Africa.

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Sylvia V. Linsteadt Picture

Sylvia V. Linsteadt is a novelist, poet, scholar of ancient history, animal tracker, and artist.

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Marieke McKenna Picture

Marieke McKenna holds knowledge of lucid dreams and is founder of Mink Records, an artist manager, and a creative director.

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Ebyän Chimba Picture

Ebyän is a Nubian-Italian speaker, activist, and multidisciplinary artist. She weaves worlds through her writing, dance, and storytelling pieces that inspire, heal, and revolutionize. Ebyän abides by the wisdom written in rock, wood, water, and in our hearts, reclaiming the animist spirituality of her ancestral heritage.

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Octavia Calthorpe Picture

Octavia is a Breathwork Therapist and life coach based in London. Since 2017, she has trained in America, the UK and Ireland in various modalities of Breathwork including Oxygen Advantage and Conscious Connected Breathwork.

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Abigail Rose Clarke Picture

Abigail is an author, somatic educator, writer and artist.

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Uma Dinsmore-Tuli Picture

Uma met yoga in 1969, at the age of four, and fell in love. She’s been practicing ever since, and teaching yoga since 1994.

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Tamara Colchester  Picture

Tamara Colchester studies and teaches foraging and tracking. She leads donation-based walks and retreats with Plant Listening, a not-for-profit organisation that explores sensory connection and deep listening as a means of redeveloping a sense of being “at home” in the world.

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Virginia Vigliar Picture

Virginia is a writer and curator exploring social justice, ecology, feminism, and art through poetic, sensorial essays, workshops, and rituals that aim to decondition by highlighting the revolutionary power of creativity and storytelling.

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WHAIA - Sonic Weaver Picture

Born of Ngati Kahugnunu, tribal descent, WHAIA - Sonic Weaver is a transcendant vocalist, alchemical performer, First Nations Multi-instrumentalist, Designer, Creative Cultural Producer and visionary Facilitator. She is an elemental voice of water and board member of Oceanic Global. As keynote speaker for World Oceans day at United Nations Headquarters in New York City 2023, WHAIA’s Sacred Sonics open your heart in effortless ways taking you on a journey through realms yet to be discovered. With a depth of ochre in her skin and mana in her bones, Whaia is a true warrior woman with a soft yet powerful delivery, entwining one’s heart, body and spirit.

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What You'll Learn

  • Cultivate intentional rest and renewal:
  • Deepen connection to self, nature, and community
  • Navigate life’s cycles with grace and intention