Sylvia V. Linsteadt

Sylvia V. Linsteadt is a novelist, poet, scholar of ancient history, animal tracker, and artist.

Sylvia V. Linsteadt

Her work—both fiction and non-fiction—is rooted in myth, ecology, feminism and bioregionalism, and is devoted to broadening our human stories to include the voices of the living land. She is the author of the short story collection Our Lady of the Dark Country (Wild Talewort Press 2018), two novels for young readers, The Wild Folk and The Wild Folk Rising (Usborne, 2018 and 2019), and the post-apocalyptic folktale cycle Tatterdemalion (Unbound 2017) with painter Rima Staines.

Her works of nonfiction include The Wonderments of the East Bay (Heyday 2014), and Lost Worlds of the San Francisco Bay Area (Heyday, Spring 2017).

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