Uma met yoga in 1969, at the age of four, and fell in love. She’s been practicing ever since, and teaching yoga since 1994.
Uma met yoga in 1969, at the age of four, and fell in love. She’s been practicing ever since, and teaching yoga since 1994.
Uma works internationally, sharing yoga retreats, trainings and empowerments that support the natural arising of prana shakti: the power of life. She trains specialist teachers in Total Yoga Nidra and Yoni Shakti Well Woman Yoga Therapy for menstrual and menopausal health, pregnancy, birth, and postnatal recovery.
Uma is certified as a Yoga Therapist by the International Association of Yoga Therapy. Her diplomas in Yoga Therapy are from the Yoga Biomedical Trust, and the late Mukunda Stiles (Structural and Ayervedic Yoga Therapy). Her initial yoga studies were with Iyengar and Satyananda yoga teachers and her continuing inspiration is the ‘Feminine Unfolding’ asana practice shared by Angela Farmer.