So Sinopoulos-Lloyd

So Sinopoulos-Lloyd is an environmental educator, professional wildlife tracker, and co-founder of Queer Nature. So studies human relationships with other animals, and has an academic background in both religious studies and animal science.

So Sinopoulos-Lloyd

So (they) is a white queer Greek-American naturalist, scholar, and โ€œmultispecies monkโ€ who grew up in the northern hardwood forests of Alnobak territory (central Vermont). So worked as a seasonal shepherd throughout college and considers their life path(s) to be deeply inspired by the resilience and tenderness of cloven-hooved beings, who inspired them to question human-centrism and study the earth more closely.

The soul of Soโ€™s work is animated by confluences of ecology, identity, mysticism, & so-called โ€œapocalypse.โ€ So holds both a BA and MA in Religious Studies from the University of Vermont and Claremont Graduate University, where they focused most of their studies on Eastern Christianities, place studies, semiotics, and visual culture. Currently their work lies in the theory, praxis, and cognitive neuroscience of place-making through the lens of wildlife tracking.

So Sinopoulos-Lloyd on advaya