One Cut Away From Leaking with Veda Austin (Webinar)

One Cut Away From Leaking with Veda Austin (Webinar)

Veda Austin is a renown water researcher who, in this webinar, shares how water found her after an extreme car accident and has since healed her physically, emotionally, and spiritually. She describes how her work is intertwined in the thoughts of other water researchers, as well as her own contributions to the field - and ultimately, to our growing understanding of the deep wisdoms of water.

Virginia Viglar (advaya): Welcome everyone, thank you for joining from many different time zones. I would like to just begin with a little bit of background information: This webinar is hosted by advaya. We are a learning platform offering courses about ecology, spirituality, mysticism, and so much more. One of the core principles that we have is to bring people together to foster a relational worldview, which, we believe is such a powerful and tender way for us to bring about change. This webinar is in celebration of our upcoming course, Wisdoms of Water: An Exploration of Mythology, Memory and Freedom, which is curated and hosted by me with a faculty of 12 guest teachers, including Bayo Akomolafe, Vandana Shiva and Veda Austin, who is here with us today. And so during the research for this course, I realised that all the people I encountered who were working on water did so with such care, respect, and reverence towards water as an element. The course is called wisdoms, with an S, because it looks at water from many different perspectives. So mythology in the Mediterranean, worshipping of serpent beings in ancient times, water activism, indigenous knowledge, and water as consciousness, which is something that we're going to touch on today. The course starts on the 28th, and it runs for six weeks, or six modules. And you can either participate live, which is really nice if you want to interact, or you can watch it on demand, on your own time. Whoever has joined the course will also receive Veda's exclusive guide, called The Three Stages of Freezing. It's a 25 page guide known as the collective molecular photography, and it offers a practical step by step approach to her famous freezing technique, which she'll explain in the course. And we'll touch upon today a little bit.

And without further ado, I'm so honoured, Veda, to have you here. Your work on water, for me, is rooted in such deep reverence and care for water. And, you know, just yesterday, we had this conversation and I just wanted to listen to your stories all day. I was in awe of your knowledge, so I want to formally introduce you with a good bio:

Veda is a water researcher, public speaker, mother, artists and author. She's dedicated her last decade to observing and photographing the life of water. She believes that water is a fluid intelligence, observing itself through every living organism on the planet and the universe. Her primary area of focus is photographing water in its state of creation - the space between liquid and ice. And it's through this remarkable crystallographic photos, that water reveals itself. It's awareness of not only creation, that thought and intention through imagery, you bring a message of hope and joy from the very source of life itself. And she says, "water is transparent, it knows no colour, creed, or religion. Water does not judge it does not label, it will enter the body of an ant as easily as it will enter the body of a king, or homeless person, or a tree or a dragon fly. Water is our constant companion from the moment were conceived. It's always with us. Even upon death, it is water that evaporates from the physical, rising upwards to the heavens." So thank you so much for being here. I'd love to start by asking you if you want to introduce yourself a little bit more however you want. And I want to know how this all began. Or if there was a particularly memorable moment or experience in your life that had an impact on you and kind of began this journey for you?

Veda Austin: Absolutely. Well, thank you all so much for being here. I've seen so many people from all around the world, saying where they have prom and I suppose some people were in Lisbon. Um, so I'm looking forward to being in Lisbon later on this this year at the Annual Water Conference. So it's always a difficult question, you know, when people say when was the most memorable kind of time where you connected with water because I have such an interest in the primordial waters, you know, the waters of, of the womb. I've always thought that ancestral information is shared through the amniotic fluid, but we can kind of get into that later.

Many years ago now, over 25 years ago, I was in a really horrendous car accident, we went under a seven tonne truck road twice, and the driver died immediately. And to date, it is still considered one of the worst accidents in New Zealand where someone survived. And over the course of 20 years, from the date that that happened, I'd had eight surgeries, mostly for bowel surgery, because I had internal bleeding with a seatbelt, which crushed my organs and shattered my collarbone. I'd also had stage four endometriosis on top of that, so I'd had surgery for that as well. So on my eighth surgery going in for a bowel resection, my third one, I woke up surrounded by doctors. And they were hovering over me saying, Well, you didn't recover very well. And you have showers of blood clots in your lungs. And I was shocked I was in my early 20s, I was outside of the car accident, young fit healthy well. So it really shocked me that that had happened. And they put it down to so much anaesthetic and being under for so long. But they couldn't 100% Tell me that that was the reason which was very frustrating. And so they wanted me to be on Warfarin, which is a blood thinner for potentially the rest of my life. And they said, if I didn't do it, I would die. So I took Warfarin for about four months. And then I had a chest X ray, and it was clear. And I said to the doctor, like, I don't want to do this anymore, I don't want to be on Warfarin anymore, my chest is clear, I know my body can heal, because three doctors had already told me that I couldn't never have children based on the amount of surgery and damage that it happened to my internal organs. So I, I already had a child for every doctor that told me I couldn't. So I knew that my body could do things on its own, I have a tendency to put - and this isn't against doctors, because when you are in a car accident, they do such a fantastic job - but I was able to put what they had said about my future body on the shelf. And that was very helpful for me. So everybody has to make their own choices. This was mine. And it's not recommending people just get off or run or it has to be your own decision. And then I had weighed it up. And I went on this health journey. And I wanted to stay as healthy as I could possibly stay. And so I ended up speaking to a friend of mine who is a medical doctor and also practices Ayurvedic medicine. And he said, Look off the record, if you can find a natural emphasis on natural not ionised not kind of a machine made water is if you can find a natural source of alkaline water that might help to get your body back into balance. He went into the details but I really don't have time to get into all of it. So I thought well, then water like just drinking water that that it's got to be easy. And in New Zealand, most of our spring waters are Alkalyn and so it's really not very difficult to find. So I did. I put myself on two week trials. By this time I had a wellness centre that I was running and I had moved from Christchurch after the earthquakes up to new Auckland. And I was trialling myself very, very strictly I hadn't changed my diet. I didn't change my makeup. I was living life as I normally would. But the only thing I did different was drink this alkaline water. So over a period of time I didn't notice much except feeling hydrated. That's where you have more mental clarity, you're not feeling kind of drowsy,, you have more energy. But nothing obvious happened. And how do you know, you know this because it's all happening inside of you outside of how you feel. So there was a lady that came to me and she said, I know this, this old guy, he has his own private water source, it's a spring. And it is coming up out of the ground at 9.9 pH, or potential hydrogen, which is a very high pH, naturally. And he said, he's only giving it to cancer patients, and they're having amazing results. And maybe you'd like to try. So I spoke to him, and he gave me a month's worth of water to drink. And I would drink a litre in the morning, an hour before eating and a litre at night and hour after dinner. And that was all I drank, I treated like all of it like a medicine, water. You shouldn't drink alkaline water with food. That doesn't make sense. Your body is trying to process all of the food and might make acid to kind of deconstruct the food, if you will. And so then drinking alkaline water, it just kind of defeats the purpose. It's good to have space between. So on day three, I noticed a really big change and something so many people don't like talking about which is bowel motions. So many people and I am shocked when I hear the statistics on this. But so many people are literally like sitting on the toilet trying to push out a pebble for an hour and grossly dehydrated. And it is theorised that near 97% of people in the world are actually dehydrated. And just mild little things like just a headache can mean that you have dehydration, and it's often not so much about the quantity of water as it is about quality of water. And so I noticed a positive change. And after so much bowel surgery, you know that that was something meant something to me. And I thought oh, something's changing. On day 10 I noticed something really noticeable. And I had all these bumps coming up along my arm and jaw that were really painful. And I knew my body was purging, but I didn't know exactly what it was purging. So there was one bump that just was super angry. And I when I would touch it, it felt sharp. And so as gross as it sounds, I ended up getting some tweezers and I and I picked something out of my arm and it was a little bit of green glass. In between day 10 and 12. I had ended up picking 27 pieces of green glass out of my arm and jaw. And that had been embedded in my body for over 20 years. Because the man who died in the car accident owned a nightclub. And in the back of the car were crates of Stein lager beer, that's a green it's a lager in a green glass bottle. And when the car rolled this side got more green glass and the side got more windscreen. And I thought how on earth can just drinking this water Purge me like this? And then I thought well, maybe it's just me maybe, you know, I want to see will this happen or anything amazing happened to other people. So because I had a Wellness Centre, I also have plenty of volunteers. And outside of that, I went to my dad who's kind of a big Maori guy. And, and he's always wanted to lose weight. And so I said, well, can you try the water and see if it helps you with anything? And so my dad is kind of a well known personality in New Zealand, his name is Bill Hohepa, and he's like this famous Maori fisherman. And so he's had all kinds of fish injuries. And so a long time ago, he had a fish spine thing go between his knuckles, and he thought he'd got it all out. But when he started drinking the water again, around the day 10 mark, he started having this big bulge coming out between his knuckles, and this bit of what looked like fossilised fin. I thought that was really, really interesting. But with the Wellness Centre people, I had very, very healthy people, two very, very unwell people, the very, very healthy athletes found that incremental little bit of energy that they were looking for. And one case was a man who had stage four cancer. And he lives in Coromandel. And he fasted only on this water for like a super 27 days, not eating any food only drinking. And he had wanted to try a water fast before he went into the realm of chemo. And whilst he had still had the energy to do it, and he was doing the internal work, and that's really important. But halfway through his 27 day water fast, he had to be in constant contact with his doctors, and they found his tumour had reduced by half. And three weeks after the fast they called it a miraculous, like spontaneous healing. And he is still cancer free. And during the two years, there were a couple of other cancer patients that did water fasts longer than 12 days, but not as long as 27 that also had remarkable healings.

Am I saying it's the water? Well, I think it's the person. I think the water helped. But a lot of people feel like they look to water to heal them, but they are a body of water. So is it that you need to find the best best water in the world? And that's just automatically going to heal you? Or do you have something to do with that equation? I think there are healing waters around the world. And I think you are instrumental as to the way in which that water is received, you are the welcoming committee. So you have everything to do with your own healing. No pill, no medicine, no external thing is going to heal you. So this water had a very high vibration. And this man who did this, while long water fast saw this water as an ancestor, he had a connection with water that was quite spiritual, and invited that ancestor into his body to help him heal himself to give him guidance. So it was a very unique relationship that he had with water. So after seeing all of these things happen. Including everybody's eyesight improved, because everyone's eyesight is a 99% highly ordered structured water. We literally see the entire world through the lens of water. But we never think about it. Sometimes, in the eye, you can see jelly, and it's almost like it's got a like a little wrinkle inside of it. And that shows, its kind of plasma state, this very unique state. And so this, the islands, given that it's such a huge percentage of this highly ordered what we call structured crystalline water, which is actually not h2o, which h 302. It has an extra hydrogen oxygen atom that is able to absorb more light, which is a big factor, it has negative charge, which means it's healthy, all cells in the body are negatively charged. If they if you have something like a serious disease, your cells start to become more positively charged. Dr. Jerry Pollack is a friend of mine and believes that that's because of the special water in your cells. It is usually just slightly alkaline, or an alkaline range. And it has an ordered molecular structure and lattice like ordered molecular structure. So I found that really interesting when it had to change the prescription on her glasses because her eyes were improving so much. And so, all of this anyway, led me to question, you know, why is this water special? So I go straight to an analysis. And so I thought, okay, there exists this amount of bicarb, this amount of lime, and these are the factors that make the water naturally alkaline. And I started to realise that, yes I'm looking at this analysis, but what is it telling me about the water outside of what water holds? So as I'm saying, if I'm all I'm seeing is what water is holding, what do I know about the water? And then you get to the question of what is water? And a scientist would say, well, it's h2o. But someone of different thinking or deeper thought might say, and did say to me that the water is two hydrogens, which are feminine in the mode of liberty, and the large oxygen is masculine. And together, they create balance and liquid water on Earth. And I think it's very also very important to understand that not only is water, hydrogen and oxygen, but that there's one part matter and something like 99% photons, which is light. So water is a container of light. And it is the light. That is the part I think that is the spirit of water, a condensed light. Now we'll get into that later in the conversation, I'll have down the line in a few weeks or so. So I started learning more and more about different people's work and studies on water and started to come into my own way of thinking too. And of course, I came across Masaru Emoto's work and his book. And although he wasn't embraced by the scientific community, because he always shared that he was choosing the best photos to represent what he was trying to say, which is not very scientific. But what he did do was open the door, really for people to see themselves as bodies of water that are sensitive to thoughts, to sounds, to their environment, to music, to emotion. In an extremely visual way, Emoto became very famous off about eight contrasting photos. And this really does say that the pictures speak 1000 words. Now he was flash freezing water and looking down a microscope and taking photos. And after exposing it to what we might term as a positive or a negative, like the word love and the word hate. And I have seen that humans love to see the best in the worst of banks. Whenever I share a contrasting photo, there's like so many views. But there's so much in between. And I'm going to tell a little story after this about what my son said about seeing the contrasting photos of music in a Emoto's book. But he was a pioneer in that he was sharing these visuals that people could identify with. More than Emoto, though, for me personally, it was a man by the name of Laurent Costa. And Laurent Costa is a French microscopic photographer using a similar technique to Emoto. But rather than experiment on water, he considered water to be his spiritual teacher, much like I do, I guess now. And rather than trying to get water to do what he wanted, he wanted to get to know water. And so sometimes he couldn't help it and he would smile at the water prior to freezing. And when he looked down the microscope, he was getting smiley faces in the ice. He was getting hearts. He was getting cats. He was getting fish, which sounds so random and crazy. But they were all relative to things that had happened to him in the day. And he also got geometries like Emoto. Now, as an artist - like I worked professionally as an oil painter for many years - but I see the world very in an artistic way. So to see art in ice, that was extremely recognisable. It made me think, you know, well, this is actually a very sophisticated form of communication. Art goes back to cave paintings, you know, the people were able to express what they saw and what they felt in their environment through art. And that left an impression for us to know about them and what they were thinking, feeling and seeing. Art is a very human thing as well, that we are able to take what we think and draw it in our own way. So this sophistication really intrigued me. And then I learned about a man by the name of Thomas Hieronymus, who was a radionic engineer. And the more I find out about him, the more interesting he gets, he was fascinating. Anyway, he went into a Parisien Meat Market on an extremely cold and frosty day. And he observed that the freshly placed organs of an animal seems to be somehow affecting the frost on the glass behind where they were placed. For example, the first would phrase into the shape of a liver organ above a liver organ, and so on, so forth. And his hypothesis was there seem to be some kind of lifeforce energy still emanating out of these organs, even though they were no longer attached to an animal. And he put that down to there being water in the blood. And I can say that water is always in communications with itself in all these different stages. And each organ has something called a sonic signature. And a sonic signature is like a cybernetic imprint for form and function of that organ. And so the water in the blood was sharing water, the information of that to the water in the air, and the water in the air as it hit the glass took on the form of the information. And what was super cool for me was that he was seeing that with his naked eye, and everyone else had been using a microscope. And 10 years ago, I just didn't have a microscope. I wasn't working microscopically. And so I thought, well, the secret seems to be in the freezing where the unseen becomes seen. So why don't I take a little bit of all the things I've just learned, get my glass petri dish, because I was working on another project for some people. And I'm going to put some of the water that helped heal me in it. And I'm going to project a thought, and I'm going to put it into my freezer, and I'm gonna see what happens. I had nothing to lose, I was just curious if this was possible, or if anything would happen. And so I'm holding my dish. And over the over the many years now I've used every different type of water you can imagine (all water has worked with me). And so there's a little bit of fluff floating around in the water. So I put my hand and take out the fluff, thinking, Oh, I wonder if my hand will have any impact on the water's memory, because I didn't know if that was a real thing. So I immediately put it into the freezer with the peas and broccoli and everything else my normal freezer. And I forgot about it. And this was, gosh, when I used to freeze water solid of which I have not done in nine years. And I'll be teaching my technique in he next class. And it's very simple, but there are some things you need to know. So, I froze this water, and a few hours later, I came back, I held it up to the light and I took my very first photo of one of now over 50,000 photos of water responding in an incredibly intelligent way. The photo that I took was of it looked like just like a hand, an x ray of a hand. I inherited my mother's crooked fingers, especially these turn on this hand. And the hand had crooked fingers on the same fingers. And so this blew me away or first time seeing a hand it was it was I you know I said showed my son I said you know he was young and just just tells it like it is and I said hey Rama you know what does this look like to you? I just showed him the picture on my phone. He didn't know what I would took the picture of. We said Oh looks like a creepy X ray hand mom. And I'm like really does. And then I went to the beach and I thought well if any waters going to be naturally unformed, it would be the sea the ocean that I lived close to the beach. So I froze a very thin layer of See water. And sea water freezes differently than fresh water. So when I show you the photo, it looks a little feathery. But I was waiting outside the phrase and thinking, if I see anything relative to the ocean in here, then maybe this isn't random. Because this was like a big deal for me when I first saw this, because I thought if this does that, again, what does this mean? And when I took the photo, there was a very clear fish with fins, and gills and a perfectly round eye and the shape of the fish. And then my freezer became my most used household appliance. And that, and then I started learning more and more about the fourth phase of water. And then I learned my technique a year later, and that was a quantum leap, from freezing water solid, to now. And I looked back at my work in the beginning. And I'm amazed now that I know how water freezes and the stages that it takes, I'm amazed that I got the kind of imagery that I did. Because now there it's such a thin layer of ice, and it's so three dimensional, and there's so much light can come through that you can get details.

Virginia Viglar (advaya): Thank you for sharing that. I wanted to know, because for me when I hear your stories is that there's obviously such a huge spiritual dimension to all this work, and what I also love about how you approach it is that you're always curious, you're still you say you're still baffled whenever you try something. And I think that humility and that reverence are so beautiful to to look at even if you've been doing this for a long, long time. And I wanted to know, for you, the connection between water and spirituality, because you said before water has has become like your spiritual guide or leader, if you want to maybe talk about that a little bit, I'd love to know a bit more.

Veda Austin: My father is native New Zealand, Maori, and many indigenous cultures have a deep relationship with water that is unique. And my very, very dear friend, and since so many prayers for his healing, Kalani Sousa, he's actually Hawaiian elder. And he's always said that water is not a resource. It's a relative. And that would mean that anything that has water in it is related to us. And I would say that that's very likely a truth. When I go into schools, and I teach a mix of science and art projects with children, I always ask a question after talking about water and all of this and I said what the fuel skin was invisible, and your organs were see through what would you look like? And they always come back with rivers and tributaries and streams and waterfalls in one way said he'd looked like a brain shaped cloud with electrical rain shining down in the shape of a person. And when we take away the skin, what we see is that we are a fluid intelligence. And that's why we're one cut away from leaking; one emotion away from leaking; one exercise away from leaking. All these different things away from leaking. But there's a very special word in the Maori language, which is wairua, which means spirit. And there are multiple different aspects of that word and that deeper meaning, but one of them you can just look at the translations in English and it means two waters - the physical and spiritual waters. So what are the physical waters? I think we have some idea, or we think we have an idea. I sometimes think I have no idea. The more I study, the more I realised there's so much. And within that "muchness" is the simplicity, and the simplicity I think is where you know, you found a spiritual truth. Where when you study one thing with water, when I study spirit, when I study this or that, everything starts to make more sense. It doesn't get more confusing, but this spiritual water, I think, is in relationship to the gaseous stage or an ether. And there are various thoughts on this. But I bring it back to an indigenous woman who said that she could speak to bees. That might seem random, but we'll go there anyway, because it made a lot of sense to me after she explained it. And she said that she would watch their hives for really long periods of time. And a bee somehow came out and communicated to her on behalf of the hive, and said, we don't mind you watching our hive. But please don't look at it for so long, because your conscious expression is putting too much light in the hive, and we'd like it to be darker. So where we put our conscious expression is also where we put our light. And water is a container of photonic light. And if water was the Holy Grail, its contents would be light. And so this really started to put some things together for me as to how water is receiving information and sharing information through the medium of light. Just as water is starting to freeze, but before it's completely frozen, that in the whole dish, it sends these little shoots out. And I photograph that at the end of those shoots is what looks like a halo of light that you can both see and film. You have to get it at just the right time. I think it is light that's paving the way for the design of the images. Now with spirit, when I've interviewed many people that have had near death experiences, and many of them have the sense of rising, now what rises that's related to water, vapour or gas. And as a gas rises, it expands, which is very much like what happens to the expression of consciousness, as the spirit might leave the body, according to many people that have had out of body experiences or near death experiences. Nearly, practically anyone who believes that they have a spirit or a soul or a subtle body will tell you that it leaves the body upon death. But no one tells you how. The most logical way that I can see is that the spirit of water, if we want to give it a name, is in relationship with the conscious aspect of who we are. Just as a side note, I have a friend of mine Moses Heckman has this nice saying, he says that water is the glove on the hand of consciousness. See, I don't know if water is conscious or not. A lot of people slap that around and say water is conscious. But we don't know that we know. There's lots of things we actually don't know. But from what I've seen, is that water and consciousness are so intimately intertwined that they seem to behave as one. The more you study in these more esoteric fields. So these people that have had near death experiences, some of them not all, but many have an experience of rising and then looking down upon their body and not recognising it to be their body. But observing. I think that one, and I think there are many more, but one of these most spiritual aspects of water is the observer. They have become the observer. They are also the observer of all around them, their expression of awareness has expanded significantly, because they are not contained within the realms of the physical anymore. Here's something really interesting because I, my question is also what is it that sees? What is it that is seeing through these lenses? Through this imagination? Through this body? There was a study done of people who were born blind, people who are born blind, when they dream, they dream in the way they experience the world so they don't dream and pictures they dream and senses and feelings and smells, and hear, and things like that. People that were born blind later, dream and pictures like we do. So there was a study done on I can't remember if it was 17 or 21 people who were born blind, who had had verifiable near death experiences. And what was fascinating is that those verified cases where they had either died in hospital and the doctors had been able to verify it, those people who were born blind never seen the world never dreamt in pictures, had a near death experience, came back and told everyone what they saw. What the room looked like, what the people looked like in the room, they were able to say everything about what they witnessed. And they even then went on, they came back into a body, their head was blind, they went on to dream in pictures. So what is it that sees? I think that this concept of water, in one of its multiple stages, is the witness. So we have two worlds, the one we live in, and the one we live on. The one we live in is the way we experience the world. Images come in through the eyes, sounds come in through the ears, taste comes in through the mouth, touch comes in through the fingers, or the body. Everything is experienced thoughts, emotions within this world we have as a body. So what do we experience outside of the body? Well, one of the things that all of us can experience outside of the body at some point in our life, is to be the observer. People can do this through meditation, through psychedelic experiences. My son broke his wrist skateboarding last year or the year before. And we had to rush him to hospital because it was pretty bad. And the doctor said he gave he was going to be on ketamine. So Rama would be here, but not exactly here. And so that definitely is what happened. Rama was here, but not here. But after the whole experience, and after his harm was set, I asked him, you know what, when that is a loose like a drug that really puts you in a very unusual state. But he said he was watching himself being operated on, he was watching from the corner of the room, and you could see me, he was aware of that, and he could see himself. And then he went into some wormholes and had some other experiences but kept coming back to watching himself.

So this observer, is something that we're we're having to kind of come outside of ourselves and come back in. And it comes into a very big question of, who are you? Who are we? And it comes into if you pardon the pun, you boil it down with water, salts, minerals, and consciousness, even when you're cremated. Obviously, the water will evaporate, but what's really the ashes are actually salts. The salts go back to the earth, the water goes back up. My friend Moses Hackman, he also says that the cycle of water is the cycle of the soul. And when you look at what we made up of, water, which doesn't die, is only in one of its states, and is never afraid to go from one state to another state. In fact, it's well aware of it. I can explain that more in the next talk. But there's no fear in the transition of one stage to another. And, within that, you then look at salts, a shapeshifter as well. It can become invisible, just like water can when it evaporates. When you put salt into water, it disappears. But it gives a quality to the water that's electrical, it is also a crystal that kind of loses its bonds. But when that water is evaporated, here's the salt again. And even then, when someone's cremated, those salts remain. were made of these are mortal substances. And then consciousness, try getting science to figure that one out. Still, they're still working on it. So this is the these aspects, where I think that it is the electrical charge that is holding the spirit to our field. So I say that because we have electrical charge that can be measured, it's not woowoo. And the water in the air, just the fact that we breathe out means there's water in the air. We just can't see it. But it's attracted to that electrical charge. And if you kind of want to give an analogy, it's a little look like a like a huge three dimensional spiderweb with juice all over it. And you imagine that you have this web, this liquid antenna all around us. That is picking up information in the air and bringing that information back into our intuition. And intuition is a very, very real thing. And it can be for warning as well. And the way it can be for warning is that that information is travelling from who knows how far into us. And so we receive that information as a feeling quite often. Which is why when we go to a house that's had something weird going on, and we go, oh, I don't know, this feels super heavy. I don't know, I don't like how this feels. That's not just your intuition, which is just this thing we think about. That's the water sharing information with the intuition. And the water is also the intuition is water speaking to water. So these, these are just little factors. But I think when when the soul leaves, and I don't know have all of these answers, but to me, it makes the most sense that it leaves as a type of gas or vapour. And if you consider that there are over 300 different types of ice, and the secrets are all in the subtleties, each one of stage of that ice has its own information. And that we know there are only we only know four stages of water so far, a liquid solid Gessner jello plasma. The fourth phase of water, if you look up, Dr. Gerald Pollack, it also Dr. Marcel Vogel was a genius, and talked about this stage before Jerry Pollack, we're all working together. So it's not a competition. And also other people have talked about fourth Bayswater prior to Jerry as well. So we all acknowledge this people. But I was just on a on a podcast with Robert Edward grant. And he agrees that mathematically there must be because I've always said there's got to be more stages towards them, we just die in here don't know what they are yet. He agrees mathematically, there have to be, there have to be more stages of water. And I think spirit conscious expression is in a direct relationship with a vibrational state of water, we may or may not discover in the next 100 years, I hope we do. But I do believe it's a real thing. And that that is how we can observe ourselves. Also, in the dream time, which I can talk about in the next one. I've done studies on dreams, because I'm trying to find out, is it my is water conscious? Or is my consciousness impacting the water? How do when is it that I am not actively conscious? So what happens if I do the work that I do in the dream time, which I've done, and I've seen that in the dream time, the imagery that comes through is even clearer than the images in the waking state? So what does that mean? Of which we can get into and then in the classes.

Virginia Viglar (advaya): I think everyone's commenting how your knowledge is just blowing our minds. And even for me, even though we talked yesterday, I'm just like, it's just so incredible. And I think also, something I've felt, and I always feel when I hear you talk is really a bodily resonance. And I don't know if it's maybe the the water in me that's resonating to these facts, but it really, it's so strong. And it gets me also quite emotional with the stories and I find your work. Just incredible. And I love how you, as I said before, you you take it with curiosity. I mean, we don't have that much time. But I know that in the in the class, you will share more of your wisdom, and then you will share the technique, which I'm super excited about. Some people asked if you have a book, and I said yes, but it's coming soon. I don't know if you want to add that.

Veda Austin: It's been a complete labour of love. I had a book called The Secret Intelligence of Water, years ago that actually, came out when my publisher went bankrupt. And and so 1000 books were made and sold and that was it, and they've never come out again. So I took things into my own hands. And I put this book together, which is a quantum leap. Honestly, from that book. I put so much attention into quality of photos and all the rest of it. And it's called the Living Language of Water. And it will be available in about three weeks at the end of June. The cover image was made using music, using all different genres of music because Emoto's were with just sort of music, like classical music and heavy metal. And I didn't't want that. Because my son came to me he said, I think water hates me, mom. I was sad that my baby thinks water a hates him. And he said that it was because he didn't like classical music. And he says, I don't really like heavy metal either. But I like to Tupac, and Tupac swears. Therefore I think what a hates me because according to this, water doesn't like swearing, and doesn't like that. And so sometimes we have to be a little careful with these extreme contrasts. Because that doesn't, that doesn't explain who we are. We're very well rounded. Some people might love this and love this, but it's not what has never been in judgement. And I said that to my son. There's lots of all those frequencies that somebody just said her in the book. I've done lots of frequency stuff. I've done homoeopathy work, I've done thoughts and sounds and music and vibration and words and media. How water responds to different movies and I have a chapter on water and God, and water and spirit. The indigenous wisdoms, Water and Science - there's a lot in there. I've covered a lot of territory, even bodily fluids, tears, saliva, blood, urine, you can use my technique to really see the patterns of your own urine tells you so much about your state of health. So there's there's a lot in there. But I was going somewhere prior to going further all of that. But essentially, yeah, the book itself will be available. And we were not going through Amazon. Like I'm not going through big big companies, I do want people to know that too. In America, we're using a print on demand, a smaller company. It's much more in alignment. In New Zealand, I printed, I paid and got all the printed books in New Zealand and Australia. And we're doing the same thing in the UK and Europe. So you're not going to find it on Amazon. And if someone's selling it on there. That's not me. And I think that some people might appreciate that. But I really want to let people know about that, too.

**Virginia Viglar (advaya): ** Thank you. Appreciate it. Thanks, everybody.


Veda Austin  Picture

Veda is a water researcher, public speaker, mother, artist and author. She has dedicated the last 10 years observing and photographing the life of water. She believes that water is fluid intelligence, observing itself through every living organism on the planet and in the Universe.

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Virginia Vigliar Picture

Virginia is a writer and curator exploring social justice, ecology, feminism, and art through poetic, sensorial essays, workshops, and rituals that aim to decondition by highlighting the revolutionary power of creativity and storytelling.

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