Gerson Paredes

Wanka Inti (Gerson Paredes) is the son of ancestral healers from the Wanka nation, department of Junín-Peru.

Gerson Paredes

Dr Gerson Paredes Coz, with spiritual name, Wanka Inti, is the Son of healers of the Wanka Nation from Junín-Peru, which serves as his ancestral lineage. He is a member of the Great Council of the Eagle and the Condor, a council of Original Nations from across the American Continent who have been organizing to achieve a reunification process. He serves as Qellqa kamayoq – a member of the Inka Council of the Musuq Tawantinsuyu community, as well as Chaski willaq – a messenger of the Circle of Grandmothers and Grandfathers Wise of Mother Earth.

Wanka Inti is Kuraka (principal governor/magistrate) of the Tawantinsuyu Kamachiq of Rimaq Marka (Council of grandparents, amautas (specialist teachers) and leaders of leaders of native organizations of Lima-Peru), as well as Kuraka of the Self-managed City of Pachacútec-Ventanilla- Callao-Peru and of the Wanka nation. He is a member of the Ayllus and Markas of Tawantinsuyu and Spiritual Advisor of the National Confederation of Communities affected by Mining and Hydrocarbons in CONACAMHI-Peru. He also serves as Waka kamayoq – specialist custodian and protector of the Ychsma-Maranga Waka of the National Major University of San Marcos (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos – UNMSM) in Peru.

As a health professional Dr Paredes Coz is a Professor of the Faculty of Dentistry at the National Major University of San Marcos (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos), as well as a Hypnotherapist and member of the Peruvian Association of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (APHCE). Wanka Inti is an Ancestral dream healer (Puñuy hampi kamayoq) and organizer of Inti Raymi – the ceremonial feast of Father Sun and solar and lunar ceremonies.

Gerson Paredes on advaya