Mphatheleni Makaulule

Mphatheleni Makaulule is an activist, academic and Indigenous Knowledge Systems Keeper from Venda, South Africa, who has made it her life’s mission to defend sacred natural sites.

Mphatheleni Makaulule

Mphatheleni Makaulule is an activist, academic and Indigenous Knowledge Systems Keeper from Venda, South Africa, who has made it her life’s mission to defend sacred natural sites. She is the founder of the Mupo Foundation (now registered as Dzomo la Mupo – ‘The Voice of the Earth’), a community- based organisation dedicated to protecting Nature in all its forms. Known fondly as “The Defender of Sacred Sites”, Mphatheleni's work is rooted in the protection of Zwifho (sacred indigenous forests), seeds and food systems, while creating spaces of intergenerational learning. She works closely with the Makhadzi of the communities – women who are the custodians of sacred natural sites such as indigenous forests, rivers, springs and wetlands.

Mphatheleni is passionate about inter-generational learning to revive indigenous knowledge and practices through eco- mapping, community dialogues, workshops and research techniques. Vho-Mphatheleni previously received a Bill Clinton Fellowship to study leadership in the USA, and in 2011 she was one of the UN Forest Heroes Program & Award finalist runner and 2013 she was awarded global leadership award by the International Indigenous Women’s Forum (FIMI).

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