Haru Kuntanawa

Haru is a Leader of the Kuntanawa Nation and recognized by many indigenous people of Brazil as one of the most influential young leaders of his time.

Haru Kuntanawa

Haru's strong presence, compassionate heart and expressive influence has changed and restored the faith of his people and surrounding villages that reside along the banks of Acre, Brazil. Haru met with the Twelve Tribes Alliance in Acre and promoted a big alliance between the people. His goal was to defend the traditional knowledge and honor the use of natural plant medicine as these sacred and medicinal uses of plants can cure the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Between the years of 2010-2014, Haru organized significant and large meetings for the Pano Corridor Project that united different tribes, nations, and people from various parts of the world. The aim of this project was to promote a larger understanding between people of different continents.

Kuntanawa Nation: http://www.kuntanawa.org

Email: [email protected]

Haru Kuntanawa on advaya