Geraldine Patrick Encina

Geraldine's work is interested in a paradigm shift on Mesoamerican conceptions of Time-Space.

Geraldine Patrick Encina

Dr Geraldine Patrick Encina Geraldine Patrick Encina, PhD is the mother of climate justice activist Xiye Bastida and music producer Danzaki and wife of Mindahi Bastida Muñoz, a principal authority in the Grand Council of the Eagle and the Condor. Geraldine has Mapuche and Celtic ancestry, and her ethnoecological approach has led to groundbreaking findings about the astronomical and ecological basis of timekeeping in Mesoamerica.

She is setting the scene for a paradigm shift on all-concerned Mesoamerican conceptions of Time-Space. Interpretations of Olmec and Maya calendars, the Otomi-Toltec and Aztec calendars, the astronomical accountings on Codices or Painted Books, the ritual and political accountings by Maya governors carved on stones, are on error. This means that Mesoamerican worldviews and their connection to, and understanding of, lifecycles have been distorted and misconstrued.

Over the past twenty years Damixi Geraldine has generated extensive knowledge about real the astronomical, ecological, agricultural and spiritual underpinnings of ancient Mesoamerican calendars and related rituals. Her Mesoamerican timekeeping theory and practice is helping indigenous peoples revitalize long forgotten calendars and astronomical almanacs. It is also helping native scholars re-signify the holistic approach to life of their ancestors. This means that they can value the scientific, artistic, spiritual and metaphysical aspects that were simultaneously observed and addressed by their ancestors in a new dimension.

Geraldine Patrick Encina on advaya