Boro Baski is an educator and community leader from West Benghal, India. Boro Baski is an educator and community leader from West Benghal, India. Born in a Santhal family of agricultural labourers, Boro Baski was the first in his village to obtain a masters and doctoral degree. Along with Sona Murmu and Martin Kampchen, he established an NGO named Ghosaldanga Adibasi Seva Sangha (GASS) to take forward the initiative to provide education to Adivasi communities in West Bengal.
Boro Baski is an educator and community leader from West Benghal, India. Boro Baski is an educator and community leader from West Benghal, India. Born in a Santhal family of agricultural labourers, Boro Baski was the first in his village to obtain a masters and doctoral degree. Along with Sona Murmu and Martin Kampchen, he established an NGO named Ghosaldanga Adibasi Seva Sangha (GASS) to take forward the initiative to provide education to Adivasi communities in West Bengal. In 1996 Boro helped set up the Rolf Schoemb Vidyashram (RSV) Day School for, by and of his local Santhal community. Based on Gramscian principles, the school is an example of how members from a subaltern group can be educated to take a lead in steering their community. Free education and meals are provided to children. The school currently serves 146 registered students between kindergarten and fourth year. Boro has also worked as a Government Official of the Department of Rural Development of the Government of West Bengal. While serving in this post, he first came into contact with Santhal community leaders in forest dwelling indigenous communities. Boro has been engaging for many years in grassroots activism and support for forest Adivasis, championing greater issues like tribal land law, livelihood and human security, which government officials and politicians have been blindly ignored in order to serve corporate interests.