Bas Verschuuren

Bas Verschuuren is dedicated to the human-nature relations through the management and governance of nature and cultural heritage in area-based conservation.

Bas Verschuuren

Professor Bas Verschuuren is an assistant professor focussing on the role of human-nature relations in the management and governance of nature and cultural heritage in area-based conservation. Conceptual and theoretical areas of interest include: political ontology; cultural anthropology, phenomenology and ethnography.

His research is applied, participatory and co-constructed with local communities, Indigenous peoples, conservation experts, NGOs and governments. He has published over 40 book chapters and journal articles as well as five edited books on human-nature interactions. Complementary to his teaching and research, Bas consults for international conservation organisations such as IUCN and UNESCO.

He serves as a co-chair to the IUCN WCPA Specialist group on Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas ( is the co-founder of the Sacred Natural Sites Initiative (, a member of EarthCollective ( and The RCB religion and Conservation Working Group.

Bas Verschuuren on advaya