The deeper current

This talk was given at the advaya event 'Mythic Imagination: The Power of Storytelling and Mythology'.

This talk explores how working with stories and storytelling accesses deep levels of wisdom that can help support our personal and spiritual development. It includes a story or two, several questions and arrives at a pearl of great price!


Sue Hollingsworth

Sue Hollingsworth has been performing and teaching storytelling for over 20 years. She is an acclaimed, internationally recognised workshop leader as well as regularly performing programmes of both traditional and biographical stories to adults. She is Director of the Centre for Biographical Storytelling, a Founding Member of the Centre for Narrative Leadership, a Founder of the International School of Storytelling, Patron of the Amari Storytelling Project in Crete and a Consultant to Seiba Storytelling in Istanbul. She is co-author of the best-selling book The Storyteller’s Way: Sourcebook for Inspired Storytelling (2012) and is currently completing another book on telling true life stories.

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