The community

This week we will explore how community creates belonging and kinship, and how it can also fracture it (building on lessons learned from the previous week). What, exactly, comprises a community? How does kinship come into this? Can there be community without kinship? What might community mean in the contexts we find ourselves in? How does community go beyond sentimental images of sitting around a campfire? Can we be in community with those who are "not like us"? We will also explore being in community with the more-than-human later in the course. We want to understand how community tugs at the thresholds between the individual and the collective - how does this tension affect the quality of our relationships?


Hannah Close

Hannah is a writer, photographer, curator and researcher exploring philosophy, ecology, culture and being alive in a world of relations.

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Nora Bateson

Nora is an award-winning filmmaker, writer and educator, as well as President of the International Bateson Institute, based in Sweden.

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Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures

GTDF are a trans-disciplinary collective of researchers, artists, educators, students & Indigenous knowledge keepers.

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