Technology is no longer a creature of Silicon Valley

Technology is no longer a creature of Silicon Valley

"I do think we'll bring all this under control. And I think a very good sign that we are, is that we're all worried about this now, we're all thinking about it, and we're all talking about it. This is no longer a creature of the Valley."


Carl Miller  Picture

Carl combines data and analysis with immersive, first-hand reporting to understand how all of our lives are changing. He's tried to re-create himself from hidden data, visited information warfare bases, exposed autocratic states manipulating Wikipedia, interviewed fake news merchants, lived in a political-technology commune, met Taiwan's digital democrats and become involved in the struggle for control of an online assassination market.

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Nathalie Nahai Picture

Nathalie Nahai is an author, keynote speaker and host of The Hive Podcast, a series that enquires into our relationship with one another, with technology and with the living world. With a diverse background in human behaviour, persuasive tech and the arts, Nathalie brings a unique vantage point from which to examine the complex challenges we face today.

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