Somatic tools for a joyful reality

Somatic tools for a joyful reality

In the upcoming six-week online course with Aisha Paris Smith, Joy and the Body, we will step into somatic awareness, exploring body-based practices, and observing the openings, shifts, and releases they facilitate. Ahead of the course, advaya converses with Aisha about what somatic tools are and how they can be so powerful in creating a joyful reality.


Aisha Paris Smith Picture

Somatic sexologist, bodyworker and life coach. Aisha blends her conscious approach to life with the profound experience of being in a body. She embraces all that it means to be a human with flesh, blood, bones, ego and eros. She experiences every day the wisdom of her body and has seen clients transform through the power of somatic methods.

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Tammy Gan  Picture

Tammy (she/her) is an activist-in-progress and digital creator and communicator, based in sunny, tropical Singapore.

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