Relational ecosystems

This week, we look at the grounds in which relationships form. Where exactly does kinship arise? What is the importance of place in all of this? Why is context critical? We look at how the quality of the environment and the architecture of the spaces we inhabit informs the quality of our relationships. We explore how unusual "places”, like the internet, or a science lab, can also lead to forms of kinship, and why this is important in a time when many feel they need to retreat to pristine nature in order to feel connection (this option is widely unavailable). This week is about where we find ourselves.


Hannah Close

Hannah is a writer, photographer, curator and researcher exploring philosophy, ecology, culture and being alive in a world of relations.

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Tyson Yunkaporta

Tyson Yunkaporta is an Aboriginal scholar, founder of the Indigenous Knowledge Systems Lab at Deakin University in Melbourne, and author of Sand Talk.

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Gavin Van Horn

Gavin is Executive Editor at the Center for Humans & Nature

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Adah Parris

Adah is a polymath, anti-disciplinary artist, tech futurist & activist whose work explores the anatomy of transformation.

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Tim Ingold

Tim is a British anthropologist & Chair of Social Anthropology at the University of Aberdeen.

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