Processing an experience changes how it shapes us

Processing an experience changes how it shapes us

In the first week of Joy and the Body, Aisha Paris Smith reminds us to keep things simple: pay attention to what our body is saying. Honouring pain and suffering is the only way to let it move through us and hence leave. Consciously engaging with it changes how it shapes us somatically. Identifying so we can respond effectively helps support our bodies to regulate out of unpleasant and difficult experiences. Aisha offers some questions for us to process our experiences and feelings.


Aisha Paris Smith Picture

Somatic sexologist, bodyworker and life coach. Aisha blends her conscious approach to life with the profound experience of being in a body. She embraces all that it means to be a human with flesh, blood, bones, ego and eros. She experiences every day the wisdom of her body and has seen clients transform through the power of somatic methods.

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