My biggest discovery was that you can literally recreate your life

My biggest discovery was that you can literally recreate your life

In the fourth week of Joy and the Body, Aisha Paris Smith talks about pleasure as a resource. When we know what feels good, we become more aware of what feels not good. Once we've experienced pleasure, we know we can aspire to more. In this clip, she talks about pleasure that is cost-free, within the body, and individual pleasure that weaves into a political act of reclaiming pleasure in under-resourced communities. She also shares a practice of mindful pleasure that you can do any time, any day, any where, for yourself.


Aisha Paris Smith Picture

Somatic sexologist, bodyworker and life coach. Aisha blends her conscious approach to life with the profound experience of being in a body. She embraces all that it means to be a human with flesh, blood, bones, ego and eros. She experiences every day the wisdom of her body and has seen clients transform through the power of somatic methods.

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