Masculinity today: rituals, identity and mythos

Masculinity today: rituals, identity and mythos

Our journey begins with a diagnosis of contemporary masculinities within a historical, social and cultural framework, with a focus on how wider sociocultural forces shape men’s relationships. We will explore the impulses behind contemporary “men’s work”, and historically and culturally contextualise this movement in contemporary history. Why is it seeing a resurgence today? We explore the intra- and inter-personal worlds that shape contemporary masculinities, and seek to understand how they are textured by unseen patterns of power, and influenced by events in our recent past.


Ian MacKenzie Picture

Ian MacKenzie is a filmmaker and writer who lives on the Salish Sea with his partner and young son.

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Adam Jackson Picture

CEO - Director of Operations, Co-Founder & Host of Sacred Sons Podcast

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German Villegas Picture

German is a community developer by work, educator by trade, podcaster by hobby, and a laugher by heart.

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