Listening to the land’s dreaming

Listening to the land’s dreaming

This talk was given at the advaya event 'Mythic Imagination: The Power of Storytelling and Mythology'.

Myth and story can help us to develop a sense of genuine belonging to the places we live in, and inform our relationship with the wider, animate earth. In this workshop, we’ll explore a profoundly embodied mythology, uncovering and working with the existing native myths and archetypes which inhabit our places, and delving into the ways in which we can weave our own personal stories into the land.


Dr Sharon Blackie Picture

Dr Sharon Blackie is an award-winning writer of fiction and nonfiction, a psychologist who has specialised both in neuroscience and narrative, and a mythologist with a specialisation in Celtic Studies. Her unique approach to working with myth, fairy tales and folklore highlights the insights these traditions can offer us into authentic and meaningful ways of being which are founded on a deep sense of belonging to place, a rootedness in the land we inhabit. In early 2017 she founded The Hedge School: both an online space and a physical location in Connemara, for teachings in myth, wild mind and enchantment.

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