Liberating gender: queer and trans futurities

Liberating gender: queer and trans futurities

The cisheteronormative constraints of gender harm all of us, and queer and trans voices have paved the way in challenging them the world over. What sorts of healthier masculinities can emerge from widening the spectrum of gender, and breaking the binary? How can leaning into the liminal help us traverse uncertainties as paradigms shift, and help us open pathways towards futures in which all genders can be expressed, and flourish, in diversity?


Ian MacKenzie Picture

Ian MacKenzie is a filmmaker and writer who lives on the Salish Sea with his partner and young son.

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Al Jeffery Picture

Al is a psychotherapist, regenerative leadership and culture facilitator, keynote speaker, author, and deep-thinker. Dedicated to understanding disconnection and restoring connection in our lives, leadership and communities.

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Zhenevere Sophia Dao Picture

Zhenevere Sophia Dao is the founder of the philosophy of Post-Daoism.

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