How to build new and positive meanings about our bodies

How to build new and positive meanings about our bodies

Audre Lorde once wrote: "If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive." In the third week of Joy and the Body, Aisha Paris Smith talks about the importance of reclaiming the meaning we make about our bodies. How does meaning impact our access to all the goodness available inside our bodies? Other people and our environments and culture, the systems we live inside of, influnce our projections onto our bodies. Where does the meaning you attribute to your body stem from?


Aisha Paris Smith Picture

Somatic sexologist, bodyworker and life coach. Aisha blends her conscious approach to life with the profound experience of being in a body. She embraces all that it means to be a human with flesh, blood, bones, ego and eros. She experiences every day the wisdom of her body and has seen clients transform through the power of somatic methods.

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