
Kay Haw witnessed first-hand the loss of nature from the UK as it was consistently bulldozed and marginalised when working as a land surveyor.
Learn moreThis talk was given at the advaya event Secrets of the Forests: Lives Within & Beyond the Trees, with Alan Rayner, Kay Haw & Martin Bidartondo.
It is essential we work together to protect our natural environment, but this is not just for its own benefit. Humans have integral links to nature and there is increasing evidence to show the significant benefits it provides our physical and mental health and wellbeing. Trees and forests provide amazing, beautiful places that unwind and inspire tired bodies and minds. Learn about how we are connected to the natural world and discover some simple but effective ways to get involved in the conservation of the UK’s trees and woods.
Kay Haw witnessed first-hand the loss of nature from the UK as it was consistently bulldozed and marginalised when working as a land surveyor.
Learn more